Employee Voice vs Employee Feedback

January 18, 2022


As an HR manager or professional, it's important to gather employee feedback to improve the workplace, productivity and employee engagement. When it comes to selecting an HRM software, however, it's crucial to know the differences between tools like Employee Voice and Employee Feedback, and which suits your organization's needs better. In this blog post, we'll take a closer look at both tools and compare the benefits, features, and usage to help you make an informed data-driven decision.

Understanding Employee Voice

Employee Voice, as the name suggests, refers to giving employees a "voice" to express themselves. It's a tool that encourages employees to share their opinions, ideas, concerns, and suggestions about the workplace, management, company policies, or any other matter that affects their work experience.

A good Employee Voice tool provides anonymity, confidentiality and ensures that employee's feedback is delivered to the appropriate department, reducing the risk of biased information or retaliation in the workplace. The process of gathering Employee Voice can be done through surveys, forums, suggestion boxes or other similar mediums.

Understanding Employee Feedback

Employee Feedback, on the other hand, focuses on gathering feedback on specific areas such as performance, training, career development, and more. It helps employers to understand their employees' experiences in the workplace and identify areas they need to work on to improve. The feedback is usually structured with response options and open-ended questions, making it easier to analyze data and find common themes.

A good Employee Feedback tool should provide actionable insights, support coaches and managers to provide guidance and support, and improve employee performance over time. Feedback questions can be tailored to the specific role or department, making the process more streamlined and personalized.

Benefits of Employee Voice & Employee Feedback

Both Employee Voice and Employee Feedback tools come with advantages that can vastly improve the work environment and company culture.

Benefits of Employee Voice include:

  • Open communication and transparency among employees and employers
  • Helps to build a positive workplace culture
  • Can help identify issues or areas needing improvement before they become larger problems
  • Improves employee engagement and reduces the risk of high employee turnover

Benefits of Employee Feedback include:

  • Provides valuable insights into employee performance and productivity
  • Helps to identify areas in which further training or development could help
  • Tracks employee growth and helps managers set performance goals
  • Reduces employee error rates and increases efficiency and profitability.

Usage of Employee Voice & Employee Feedback

The usage of both Employee Voice and Employee Feedback depends on the organization's needs and main goals.

Usage of Employee Voice includes:

  • A tool to encourage open dialogue, good communication and transparency between employees and management
  • Create a healthy work culture by acknowledging and acting upon employee feedback
  • Address workplace issues before they become bigger knowing that anonymous feedback can result in increased participation
  • Help implement better policy changes to retain talented employees

Usage of Employee Feedback includes:

  • A tool for managers and coaches to provide personalized support and guidance to employees
  • Identify common obstacles and barriers which hinder employee productivity
  • Create a performance culture where employees work with a clear vision and concrete goals.
  • Empower employees to contribute with ideas during regular feedback sessions


In conclusion, there is no "better" tool between Employee Voice and Employee Feedback in HRM software since both have their respective benefits and usage. Employers should make sure they consider their employees' needs, and choose accordingly based on their organizational goals.

By selecting the right tool, business can align employee voice and employee feedback to fit into their culture and help achieve their primary KPIs.

Upgrading to the right HRM suite will allow you to access these tools to boost employee engagement and company performance to achieve optimal ROI for the organization.


  1. Employee Voice and Employee Engagement: Connecting the Dots
  2. The Difference between Employee Feedback and Employee Voice
  3. Why Employee Feedback is Important

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